Monday, October 4, 2010



The King of Forts Great Maratha

Forts of Maharashtra were backbone of his victorious campaign. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was excellent general co-coordinator, administrator, leader but one more most important thing he had that he was master in choosing and using places for battlefield. Forts build by him like Pratapgad, Sindhudurg are victims of his architectural skills. Every fort of Maharashtra has too many memories of his successful and famous battles. Age of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was golden age of history of forts in Maharashtra.

He founded the Hindu kingdom in the Deccan against all odds, fighting against the mighty Mughals. He inspired and united the common man to fight against the tyranny of Mughal ruler Aurangzeb, by inculcating a sense of pride and nationality in them. At the age of 16, he took a pledge to establish a sovereign Hindu state. His life appears like a fairy tale to children. He clearly outstands all the rulers and generals of India by the exemplary life he lived and is thus respected by the entire cross section of Indians. Shivaji is to India what Napolean was to Europe.


Clash with the Mughals

Shayista Khan was nominated by Aurangzib to crush Shivaji. Unable to take the full might of the Mughal empire, for nearly three years, Shivaji became a homeless wanderer. When in adversity, ingenuity saves you. With the help of secret agents, Shivaji obtained minute details of the Khan’s camp and arranged a surprise attack at night. With about fifty followers, he entered the Khan’s harem on the evening of April 15, 1663. After midnight, Shivaji and his men attacked the inmates and hacked people indiscriminately. In the confusion, Khan escaped loosing his forefinger. This incident proved eminently successful for Shivaji. Khan was transferred to Bengal and the danger was averted.

In 1664, S ransacked Surat to collect money for his war efforts. The plunder must have been app Rs 1 cr. S took care not to inflict any wanton cruelty innocent habitants. Hearing that the Mughal armies were coming, Shivaji returned with as much booty as he could carry and took it straight to Raigarh Fort to be spent in fortifying it. Shivaji sacking of Surat was the severest blow to Aurangzib and a direct affront to his power/prestige.

S submits to Jay Singh. Aurangzeb placed his new expedition under Jay Singh (JS) who arrived in Pune in March 1665. Shivaji was busy fighting Bijapur, therafter led a huge naval expedition to the Malabar coast. While offering devotions to the deity of Gokaran in Karwar he learnt of the attack by JS. Unable to bear the brunt of JS’s attack, Shivaji sued for peace and signed a treaty on June 12 surrendering the important forts and agreed to serve the emperor loyally and cooperate in J Singh’s war against Bijapur.

The above paras indicate that Shivaji was a student of Chanakya. He made able use of spies to overcome his enemies. When pushed into a corner, he was practical enough to sue for peace and live to fight for another day. It also indicates the absence of an overriding Ego.

Having advised Shivaji to visit Agra, J Singh convinced Aurangzeb on the futility of fighting Shivaji and suggested that he be made an ally. Undecided to go or not to go, Shivaji thought that a visit would enable him to obtain a first hand impression about the inherent strength of the empire and make it feasible for him to carry out his dream of a Hindu padshahi. Shivaji left for Agra on 5/3/1666.

Having reached Agra, Shivaji made his way to the Durbar. After paying his respects to Aurangzib, Shivaji was asked to stand in the third row of the nobles. Upset, Shivaji complained of a breach of the terms of the agreement upon. Shivaji left his place and moved to a corner, vehemently protesting and created a scene unprecedented in the court. Aurangzib asked the Durbar to be closed and asked Shivaji to be taken away after which a strict guard was kept on Shivaji. It was decided to shift Shivaji to a new residence. For nearly three months, he remained captive. On 19/8/ he and his son squeezed themselves in two separate baskets of sweetmeats and were carried away.

He surfaced on 12/9/ at Raigarh. It was the most thrilling exploit of all his wonderful deeds which added a halo to his personality, made him an all India figure. Shivaji spent the next year or two reorganizing his resources. The new Mughal governor Muazzam adopted a policy of conciliation. Aurangzeb conferred the title of Raja on Shivaji and his son Shambuji was sent to the Mughal camp at Aurangabad. Golconda and Bijapur too made peace with Shivaji by paying him annual chauth. Thus, Shivaji was accepted as the ruler of Maharashtra.